Do Your Players LEARN

Quality: LEARN

You coach so your players can learn. It is absolutely necessary to be coachable in order for a player to find success. To learn is to gain knowledge and knowledge is power. Your players need to fully understand the skill through study and experience.

In order to find success, you want your players to be knowledgeable, alert, informed and attentive. This is the mindset of success. A learning environment can only create positive things.

“The wise in heart accept instruction, correction and store up knowledge.” Proverb

There are a few key words to keep in mind in order to create a learning mentality; Listen, Pay Attention, Be Interested and Be Competent. Constantly engraving those instructions into your player’s everyday lives not only make them better players, but also better people.

Proper preparation and learning leads to your team being ready to play. Give your players the opportunity to be a true student of the game. In order to learn, there must be a teacher.

“Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” – Confucius

How you teach the game as a coach is how your players will learn it. It is important to remember the goal of teaching is not to gain control but to instruct and equip players in order to think for themselves.

When the pressure is on, you will not be able to control everything your players are doing; however, through proper teaching and encouraged learning, players will be able to think for themselves and make the decisions you have equipped them to make.

BE EXCELLENT! Become a Character Matters Team this year – go to

Wade Salem