Football: Stretches for Every Position

By Ryanne Cunningham

Flow Yoga Studio, Green Bay (WI)



Warrior III Pose With Leg Movement

Balance is key in football. Players play on uneven ground and make split-second moves that sometimes require them to balance in interesting ways at a moment’s notice. Warrior III pose with leg movement practices balance at all angles to prepare a player for such moves. From downward-facing dog pose, step your right foot forward between your hands and come to balance on your right leg; your torso and left leg are parallel to the floor. Reach your arms out to help with balance (figure 10.4a). Bend your left leg to your chest and come up to standing, balancing on your right leg (figure 10.4b). Straighten your left leg in front of you (figure 10.4c).


Keeping your left leg high, slowly circle your left leg out to the left and back behind you, bringing you into warrior III. Slowly repeat this motion 3 to 5 times, then switch sides. A modification to this pose will be to hold warrior III pose instead of adding the movement. Use a block for the hands to help if your balance is off.

Figure 10.4 a



Figure 10.4 b



Figure 10.4c





Excerpted from Yoga for Athletes by Ryanne Cunningham (copyright 2017). Reprinted with permission from Human Kinetics. Find Yoga for Athletes at, your local bookstore, or at major online bookstores.