The quadriceps are big muscles that are important for running, jumping, and squatting, motions largely used in every position in football. High lunge pose with hands on floor will help lengthen the quadriceps and hip flexors. From downward-facing dog pose, step your right foot forward between your hands, keeping your left knee off the mat. Place both hands on the mat on the inside of your right foot, and walk your right foot to the right edge of your mat. Press both hands down into the mat, keeping your arms straight and your shoulders relaxed away from your shoulders. Bend your right knee forward as you push your left heel back, allowing your hips to sink toward the mat (figure 10.5). Keep lifting your chest.

Figure 10.5 – High Lunge Pose with Hands on Floor

Football players need to quickly perform lateral movements on the field. Pigeon pose to T.W. side pigeon pose targets the muscles needed for quick lateral movements on the field. From downward-facing dog pose, bend your right knee to your chest and place your right knee on the mat behind your right hand. Relax your left knee to the mat, and walk your left leg back as you shift your hips back. Square your hips to the mat, and walk down to your forearms. Separate your elbows, and lower to the floor (figure 10.6a). Hold the pose for 5 breaths. Walk your forearms to the left side of your mat as you push your right hip back. Reach your right arm out to the left side of the room, and relax your head, bowing down (figure 10.6b).


Figure 10.6a – Pigeon Pose to T.W. Side Pigeon Pose


Figure 10.6b – Pigeon Pose to T.W. Side Pigeon Pose

Excerpted from Yoga for Athletes by Ryanne Cunningham (copyright 2017). Reprinted with permission from Human Kinetics. Find Yoga for Athletes at, your local bookstore, or at major online bookstores.