There are many option coaches out there who will not teach their QBs to read “the stack” during the triple.  Suffice to say that their is indeed two sides to this story.  Many high school coaches simply do not want to add any pressure onto their already overwhelmed QB as they are making their reads during the triple play.  I do sympathize with those coaches and agree that by not teaching stack reads, their QB will have an easier time reading his dive and pitch keys.

However, at the collegiate level of play, I believe it is a tremendous advantage in teaching your option QBs exactly how to read a 30 stack defense.  By reading both the 4-tech dive key and the 40-tech pitch key, the QB has the advantage of seeing BOTH his option keys at the same time!   Of course, defenses will always try and make that read as difficult as they can by stunting the defensive players differently on every play.  For instance, on a triple option play the defense may have the 40-tech LB pinch to the inside and take the dive back while the 4-tech will scrape outside and take QB.  The next play, they may switch roles.  This will make the QB “think” a lot more but like everything in life, repetition will soon have your QB reading odd stacks like a magician!