Character Matters Timeout: ENERGY

For all activities in life, energy is needed. Energy is the fuel behind your efforts, driving you to your goals. Energy puts the human will into action. Energy in sport can also be conceptualized as “passion.”

Energy is a vigorous action, a capacity for performing work; however, energy can be directed in a positive manner or left to chaos and disorder. It is“directional” and “has a vector.” If it is pointed in the right direction, the chance of positive outcome is more likely than if it is pointed in a negative direction.

Are you directing your player’s energy in order to accomplish positive goals? Or is your team’s energy scattered and in vain? Positive energy comes from a mindset that is motivated, fueled and driven. It is “bridled passion.”

As a coach, it is your job to harness your team’s energy, harness all the things that make your team what it is and direct it towards greatness.

Unfocused energy leads to chaos, random effort and overall unproductive outcomes. The bottom line is that a coach is the power plant for the players. A team draws strength from the character of the coach. Be the Fuel.

You are the director of your team; the general. Instill in your players the focus needed to use their energy in order to BE EXCELLENT.

“What you put into it is what you will get out of it.” Have a great week

Wade Salem

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